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A-One Dry Cleaners, Inc. has been family owned and operated for over 70 years. We provide FREE pick up and delivery service to your home. This can be scheduled on our website, our App (Search A-One Fine Dry Cleaning) or by calling our office at (513) 351-AONE (2663).
We’ve recently moved to a new state-of-the-art 40,000 square foot facility in nearby Fairfax. Our cleaning solvents are environmentally friendly, and our quality and service are second to none.
3940 Virginia Ave, Fairfax OH 45227 Driving Directions

Category: Dry Cleaning
Great service from Tom Rutherford with A-One Cleaning. Tom is friendly and helpful and the dry cleaning is top-notch!
Have used A-One for years. Honest and friendly service and Tom delivers right to your door!